Easy to Use
Progress at a Glance
of your Clashes as a whoel or click a specific Clash Context for more details.
Configure Reminders
Conflict is normal, natural, and inevitable … it’s part of our DNA.
The Clash Coach was created to help people stop treating conflict, or what we call Clashes, like a disease. Conflict is normal, natural, and inevitable, and because humans are social animals, it’s in our DNA to socialize. But it’s also in our nature to disagree with others. The Clash Coach is a research-based mobile app that helps users become proactive clash managers. The app monitors, measures, and motivates users to improve their everyday Clash Management Styles. Dr.
– Dr. Zach Schaefer, Clash Coach Creator and Conflict Mediator

Easy to Use
Intuitive User Interface.
We designed the Clash Coach to ensure that Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials could easily navigate the app. We think we accomplished our goal, because just last week a kitten logged her first Clash, even while lacking opposable thumbs.
Progress at a Glance
Quickly understand your Clash patterns.
Using the Clash Coach won’t make you a conflict management guru overnight. But it will help you see your progress as you log more and more Clashes over time. This feature can help you disagree with your boss without calling her an idiot or figure out how to drive in rush hour without using your middle finger.

Configure Reminders
Don’t forget to log your Clashes.
We understand that you can’t log a Clash while its occurring – that would take an insane amount of self-control. For those of us without superhuman self-awareness, we created two features that send you brief reminders. This way you can let off steam, reflect on what happened, and then log a Clash.
Question or Feedback?
We want to hear it.
Whether it is a question about the app, a suggestion for how it could be better, or simply a complaint about the way it works. We want to hear it all.